Monday, July 16, 2007

Mona Lisa

Everyone knows Mona Lisa UNLESS you’re living under a rock! This art piece by Leonardo Da Vinci is everywhere. From book cover to lamp shade to flashlight! Anything that you can imagine! She has also been made into a movie portrayed by Julia Roberts. It gets me thinking why this painting is famous? What’s the fuzz all about? Who is the girl behind the controversial smile? I know that most of us throw the same questions but do we search out for answers?

Personally, I never even bothered to find out the answer for Mona Lisa’s fame. All I just see is a girl with a weird smile but nothing beyond that. Not until, we had a discussion about this famous painting. I suddenly became curious of Mon Lisa’s identity. I was really keen in knowing the truth behind this painting. A lot of possible theory was discussed in class only to find out that there is no single explanation that can prove the identity of Mona Lisa. I was disappointed at first but then I realized that my appreciation for this painting might change if the mystery of this painting would unravel. I think it’s better to leave the questions unanswered because these questions are what make the painting special. The more we question this art piece, the more we get attached to for the reason that our life is also full of questions that cannot be answered and these questions give meaning to our existence!

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