Tuesday, August 14, 2007


This week's lecture is once again an eye-opener for me.

For the past several years, I have witnessed the emergence of "micro-cities". Examples of these are Greenbelt and Eastwood. Micro-city is becoming a popular theme in designing malls. In a micro-city, everything is in your reach. The main mall is sorrounded by condominiums. You can also spot several gimmick spots as well as restaurants. Who wouldn't want to live in a micro-city? It is like stepping into a fantasy world, away from the harsh reality. But little did we know that this micro-city creates a greater differentiation between the rich and the poor. We get isolated to the point that we ignore the people who are suffering from the harsh reality. It is sad to know that the educated have the power to iniatiate the change but they remain aloof. And I think I'm one of those educated ones that couldn't care less on what is happening out there... I don't know if I sholud feel ashamed for being detached to the outside world or I should just accept the fact that some are born rich and some are not :(

This learning that I acquired only proves that Art Appreciation is not just looking at paintings or evaluating other forms of art BUT it enables us to see what is outside, the REALITY.

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